Thursday 27 December 2012

How To Be Cancer Free !

10 steps to be cancer free 

-this blog was written after 34 years of watching , learning , observing , reading about cancer research .
( this will be a booklet soon ) copyright mkv pty ltd aka Cezrok all rights reserved .Even though this information is simple its priceless

1) Dont drink the tap water - tap water is full of many chemicals including chlorine , flouride , alumiminium , lime , etc . In Australia they are legally allowed to add up to 50 yes thats right 50 chemicals in to tap water .
Chlorine causes about 30% of all the cancers in australia - in my opionion - bladder , bowel , kidney , breast etc - the scientific american published a journal in 2010 about breast cancer and chlorine etc .In world war 1 it was used as mustard gas - its nasty shit - it will kill 99% of parasites in the water. Chlorine also kills the natural bacteria inside your body which is essential to health .Every time you drink a glass of tap water its the same as having 1-2 drops of bleach in it . Flouride ( sodium flouride ) ( its good for your teeth - the biggest bullshit lie in the 20th century actually comes from aluminium smelters and is linked to many problems such as bone cancer , arthritis and blocking the magical pineal gland inside our brain . Yes it is dumbing you down - studies have shown that IQ is actually lowered if you drink flouridated water .The epa regards it as a toxic substance but laws where passed all over the world where they could put it in our drinking water . Skeptics will say its for our teeth because the lie has been told so many times that we believe it . there's a great movie on youtube called  Firewater Documentary

The aluminium companies instead of having to pay lots of money to dump the stuff now they get paid to put it in drinking water . Because your body is 70% water you have to use clean fresh water , the best option is get a reverse osmosis purifier if you live in australia call 0429222344 and you can get one installed  , If you have tank water its good make sure you have no contaminents in the tank and put a filter on as well .

most people dont know how bad the tap water really is - dont give it to your pets - the pipes leaching , hormones in the water , recycled sewage , viruses . I ll cut it short i could spend 1 hour writing about water . Also invest in a good shower filter as your body absorbs unbelievable amounts of chlorine in through your skin 6-10 times the amounts you might get drinking in one day . 


2) Eat Organic -In this day of business and commerce - bigger , faster , better looking , more profits , cheaper is the only consideration - peoples health is no where in the list ! For example when you buy eggs from woolworths - the chickens that have laid those eggs have been pumped full of hormones so they grow as quick as possible to lay eggs and or get slaughtered and then you eat those hormones after the chook has been dipped in chlorine !

Fruits and vegetables are sprayed to kill the bugs and to preserve the life of them and then you eat them and hence eat those chemicals . Eat a natural organic vegatable compared to a woolworths or coles one and you will be astonished - ps dont wash your vegies or fruit in tap water , the chemicals absorb into the food .

Organic should not be called organic it should be called NORMAL - years ago we never had our food sprayed with these chemicals - and therefore we never got CANCERS - If people stop buying the shit then the compaines will start selling us proper food !Most australians are brainwashed into thinking that theyre buying healthy fruits and vegetables for their  kidswhen they buy at a super market .

In the real world organic costs more but is more nutricious and better for you and eventaually you ll find it somewhere at a good price !
Organic Grass Fed Beef - It will turn any vegetarian into a meat eater !
Raw Milk ( The reason homogenisation was introduced was that only a few BIG companies could sell milk to the population ) If it wasnt homogenised then anyone could sell it
( drink some real milk with cream its unbelievable especially in a vanilla milkshake and cappu

cino )
Organic Pasturised milk is good but raw is better - dont worry about the rubbish scare tactics from the main stream media

Eat live healthy foods it doesnt matter if you eat meat fish vegies rice etc - just make sure its organic and not full of chemicals ( theres people all over the world that live to over 100 in different parts , some only eat meat some only eat raw food , some only eat fish and vegetables - the common thread is thats fresh and chemical free - You are what you eat !

3) Alkalise - cancer cant live in an alkaline state - lots of research has gone into this - if we eat mostly akaline foods then cancer disappears - fresh fruits and vegetables will cure , heal and repair your body . You can also alkalise your water with minerals . Eat 80% fresh vegetable to alkalise your body 

4) If You Cant eat it DONT PUT IT IN or ON  YOUR BODY !

Body Care Products - DO NOT buy shaving cream , deoderent , soaps , moisuriers etc from normal super market .  Get some natural products every time you put something on your skin like soap and shampoo its absorbs into your skin then into your blood stream -Imagine you are a sponge would you put chemicals inside your body - JUST HAVE A READ ON SOME OF THE CHEMICALS ON THE PRODUCTS WOULD YOU FEED THEM TO YOUR KIDS - THERE IS ONLY ONE REASON THEYRE ARE CHEAP - BECAUSE THEY ARE NASTY SHIT with a capital NASTY SHIT !

Coconut oil is great for shaving and mositurising "thats why i look so beautiful " and its cheap !

What i cant believe it ? We are told to slip slop slap "I ll slip slop slap you in the face if you put sunscreen on 

If you dont believe me get some sunscreen and eat a teaspoon - ( go back to rule 4 !)
put some on your car paint and see what it does to your car paint -

years ago people never wore sunscreen and we didnt have melanomas or skin cancers very very rarely -no the rates are growing because of the promotion of sunscreens .Your body needs the sun to get Vitamin D When you put sunscreen on you are doing damage in 3 ways yes 3 ways .

You are blocking vital Vitam D from your BODY - we need vitamin d for our immmune system 

You are blocking your pores and skin with chemicals there fore your body creates a cancer to try and remove it 

It enters your blood stream and organs - The manufacterers of sunscreens know it causes skin cancer . 

The skin cancer foundation is only designed to make money for the directors and to spread misinformation .Dont take my 2 cents worth do your own research 

- Your eyes also need the suns rays to help heal and regenerate your cells through your retina - dont wear sunglasses all the time its not good for your eyes .If your out in the sun its not fun to be burnt where a shirt and hat and then get out of the sun !

6) If you have cancer start doing all i have asked you and do not do chemotherapy .In a nut shell if you do chemo the average  survival rate is 6months - if you do nothing and keep doing what your doing  its 2 years - if you do what i say it will cure itself then you can donate me a $1000 fee for service

 and thank me for the this great information im serious ................ its cheaper than chemo therapy - On the main stream media they say he died from bowel cancer chemo didnt help (its the chemo that killed him ) but they never mentioned the people that took no mainstream therapies and survived . We are very resilient beings - when you get a cancer it goes something like this .... you get some blood in your poo , you go to the doctor and he does some tests sorry mister johnson you have bowel canncer we have to do this ...this .. take this we have to remove your bowel radition  all in all it cost about $50,000 per case 
worst case scenario your down $50,000 and then die !

Cancer doesnt cause your head to go bald its the radiation that kills everything in your body - cancer treatment is a big business  
Instead of doing everything you can natural to get out of it . We should be thinking why did i get bowel cancer ? We dont think and expect a doctor to give us the answers .  

7) Dont smoke - Its not the tobacco thats bad its the arsenic and nicotine and all the other 599 approved  ingredients ( 69 of these are proved to cause cancer )and when you light it up it creates over 4000 chemical compunds Ingredients In a FAG ! ( cigarette ) no wonder its fucking hard to give up ( a lot of these are also found in tap water .I wonder why the governments ban them from putting all these chemicals in them and why dont they list all the ingredients on the packet ? "It might turn people of from smoking "
If your trying to give up just fucking do it , dont be a pussy and man up - do it for your family and your health !
Every time you have a cigarette send me a donation see below ! That will make you quit ! And ill be rich
Another way to quit is go to an emphesema ward and have a look at the people there .Also that ghetto yellow stain on your lips and finger is not very attractive . Imagine kissing a filthy cigarette bowl -You dirty fucking bastartd! Have you quit yet ?

another thing to do is to replace the habit drink half a glass of fresh water evey time you feel like a cigarette or do 10 push ups on the spot etc 
these all work if you will work ( alcohol in moderation if you must )

8) E is for exercise - Your body is a temple or yours is maybe a broken down volkswagen 
Mines is a v10 dodge viper supercharged  start with 10 minutes a day thats it it now or ill kick you in the head bitch ( just some added motivation ) start doing push ups , sit ups chin ups go to the gym , Go for a run or by a mountain bike - 
Exercise becames very addictive and you ll love it after a while 

9) Dont take medications or visit doctors burn your medicare card - if you want to be sick go to a doctor -
Its the medications that make you sick .Aspririn and pain killing medications cause about 40,000 deaths a year 
Got A Headache take an ASPIRIN ? 

almost every medication is plant derived  . But the drug companies cant patent plants ! A drug companies goal is to make more profit . Like any other company , the more customers the more money they make . Doctors are only trained to give and prescribe medications which will earn the drug companies money . Its the drug companies that fund the research in the medical fields - Health is not profitable ."Can you see the conflict of interest "
Doctors are taught for 7-10 years that drugs cure people  so of course they will prescibe you more drugs . THE SICKEST PEOPLE I SEE Take 7-10 medications a day - its simple dont take medications ...once again have a look at the pill your taking and do your research on it .

10) Attitude and Self Learning (Self Development ) 
You are an amazing person because you are reading this BLOG !
your not reading about what happened to tom cruise or russel brand.I drop a few F bombs in my blogs to be real with you
Your reading something useful and enlightening  . Read minimum  30 minutes every day on developing your confidence , skills , abilities .Also dream big dont be a follower be a leader . Go against the grain , do what you really want to do . Stop worrying what other people think - your not a number your an individual Dont by a bloody iphone ( iphone sheep ) buy an old nokia .
Dont settle for things in life - Live large become a candle light other peoples fires - you be the inspiration . BE REAL 

If you like my blog please link it and please donate $2.00 to my ongoing research for my book thanks 
also please link this to all your friends thanks
any feedback please let me know positive of course 

dont forget to donate or ill kick you in the head

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